What is FlexRoster?
FlexRoster is free and open source software, developed and maintained by Ellie Kerns. Designed to help with schools that have a flexible learning period to easily manage their schedules and keep track of students day to day as their schedules change.
How does FlexRoster get my schedule?
FlexRoster syncs with your school's student rostering system every day to get the most up to date information.
What rostering systems does FlexRoster support?
Currently, FlexRoster only supports Infinite Campus. If you would like to see support for other rostering systems, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
Can I take attendance in FlexRoster?
No, due to limitations by Infinite Campus, FlexRoster is unable to send attendance information back to them, only retrieve it.
Does FlexRoster have a mobile app?
Not yet 👀
Where do I go for help?
If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to your school's IT department or file an issue on the GitHub repository.